If you have an Australian visa, you can still be refused entry

Even if you have a visa, you can also be refused entry to Australia if you violate the following.

Passport and visa are two types of travel documents needed to travel between countries. However, a number of cases that already have both of the above documents are still refused entry.

Some of the reasons for this case may be related to a criminal record, a history of being refused entry, doubting the purpose of the trip, problems with documents, etc.

In Australia, biological control laws are very strict, so in addition to the above reasons, if visitors bring prohibited goods without declaring it, they may also be refused entry.

Clark P. (Melbourne, Australia) once shared with Zing about the confiscation of mooncakes brought from Vietnam at the airport. The reason is because the pies contain pork, one of the prohibited foods to be brought into Australia.

Limited items

There are many basic items that are on the list of prohibited items from entering Australia. To limit trouble at the airport, travelers need to be on the list above.

Due to its isolated geographical location, unique biodiversity and lack of natural enemies, the country of kangaroos is always concerned about agents such as diseases brought in from outside, threatening agriculture and domestic biology.

For items with biological elements, the biosecurity department at Australian airports has even a sniffer dog that checks passengers' luggage to ensure control.


Food items brought into Australia must be declared on the Incoming Passenger Card. The biosecurity officer may ask to check some of the food in your luggage.

Allowed foods include coffee, cookies, bread, cakes, chocolate, maple syrup and oil.
Foods that must be declared if brought include tea, spices, pickles, rice, nuts and egg products, milk...
Fruits, berries and seeds

The Australian Border Force (ABF) says fresh or frozen fruit is not allowed into the country, unless a valid permit is obtained from the Department of Agriculture and Resources.

Similar to seeds, travelers will also need to notify ABF if they are bringing bird-feeding nuts or seeds that are not packaged for commercial purposes.


Medicines for personal use are allowed, but must be accompanied by a prescription in English and can only bring a maximum of 3 months of medication.

ABF recommends that you keep your medicine in clear packaging and proactively declare it upon entry. However, visitors also need to pay attention to traditional medicines or herbs to bring because there are some drugs and medicinal herbs on the banned list.

Goods not on the list above will be subject to regular inspection. If there are no goods, you go to the green gate (Green Exit). Otherwise, you enter the red door (Red Exit). Before that, you need to carry out the procedures to declare the goods to bring.

What if I don't declare?

Under the new rules, from April 17, 2019, Australian airport officials have the right to shorten or cancel a visitor's tourist visa if they deliberately fail to declare prohibited goods.

In addition, the biosecurity officer at the airport may suddenly check your luggage with X-rays or sniffer dogs even if you do not declare any items.

In addition, you may also be fined or prosecuted under the laws of this country. ABF added that visitors who do not comply with the above regulations can be banned from returning to Australia for up to three years.

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